
your destination will contain texts with heavy profanity, reclaimed slurs, and dark subject matter*; enter at one's own risk, although do not cause harm to oneself by doing so.

*primarily abuse & trauma, death, or similar topics; these will only in select domains within your destination, if you so choose to continue.

if you wish to peruse these neuromachinations, one must heed these warnings, and come to accept these conditions. no ill will shall be harbored if one decides to turn away.


for the webmasters convenience, javascript is used here and there; if one does not have this enabled, a good portion of things may not function properly. [our] realms compatibility, or lack thereof, with many browsers is unknown, though it will likely be fine on most; aside from older versions of internet explorer, that is.

the machine this layout is built upon has a screen of 13.3"x7.5" and 1920x1080 resolution, thus screens nearer to these parameters will have the best experience; therefore, mobile and tablet screens may suffer. it will likely never be compatible with mobile screens; tablet compatibility is questionable. it is also built with the firefox browser in mind.

OS VERSiON: 3.33

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